Saturday, June 18, 2016

Week 4 with RREH Ambulatory

     The last 2 weeks have gone by so fast! We've done a lot and seen a couple of really interesting cases. Some of the things have been cool teaching experiences that weren't so good for the owners. I'm still loving every minute of it!
     Sunday the 5th was the first rather slow day we had. I went out with Dr. Friend, but we didn't have much on the books. I picked up the clinic van for him, so he could take his truck in to be looked at on Monday. We went to one farm and did a bunch of uterine flushes, then he brought me back to the clinic. I helped him restock the truck before he left for one other farm. I had a relaxing day catching up on some Netflix and eating a full 3 meals.
     Monday I was with Jordan. She had been out late with an emergency that turned out to be NSAID toxicity. The lesson there was to pay close attention to the dosing on your medications. Just because 1 gram was 3 spins on one container doesn't mean it always will be. Monday was a pretty standard day with palpations and lavages. I got to hold the plate for some foot radiographs and saw how to upload images.
      Tuesday, we started off the day with a couple pregnancy checks and treating a pair of foals with puncture wounds. We took some radiographs of a yearling. We finally had time to sit down to a nice lunch with Dr. Friend and his group. We all went together to cover for another vet who was on vacation. We got a call for a violent colic. Many drugs and lots of effort later, we got the mare on the trailer to the clinic. Later we learned she had a torsion just behind the cecum. She made it through surgery but went downhill and was euthanized the following day. After the emergency, we saw a heel bulb abscess. The past 2 days made me realize to never worry about filling up your day. Things will always come up.
     Wednesday was an early morning because we had a few things to get done before we started our shift at the Horse Park. We ended up having to do 2 new foal exams and run plasma to each of them at our second stop. That made us a touch late to the Horse Park, but no one seemed to mind. The only thing that came up at the Horse Park was one case of hives. After that we inseminated a mare, found a couple beautiful pregnancies, chased a baby around a field, microchipped said baby. Jordan stitched up a torn eyelid and I met the eldest Friend child.Our final stop took us south of the river. We ended up spaying 2 cats on the cart.
The spays were very fun for me because I got to find half of the uterus, place a few sutures, and tie a few sutures. It was interesting to see how Jordan was able to make do with the things we had to help control the cat population on this farm.Thursday, we started the day replacing leg wraps on a foal fighting contracted tendons. Then we sat around the Horse Park for a couple hours. The rest of the day was pretty standard. I did a uterine flush on my own. Jordan dropped me off around 7 and I went to one of our big farms to watch a foaling. The night manager walked me through the process and then we waited. Another lady came to help since the night manager had been watching this mare for a couple days with very little sleep. I kept falling asleep in the chair waiting for something to happen.

I got lots of kitty cuddles from one of the barn cats.
Finally around 4:30 Friday morning, the mare's water broke. I was amazed at how quickly she was able to get the foal on the ground. We checked on the other mare that was showing some of the early signs of foaling and found that her water had broken as well. By 5 am, we had 2 new babies to handle. I got the day off because I didn't get home until 7:30. I slept until 3:30 pm and rested and Netflixed the rest of the day, 
Saturday, I was back with Dr. Friend. We did a lot of lavaging. I got to do the 2 post-foaling lavages on the mares that foaled last week. That was a very interesting experience. We took out some leg sutures and did a lameness exam. I got to do my first insemination with fresh semen. I took some things back to the clinic and headed home for a family reunion while Dr. Friend met Jordan to do a hernia banding and start monitoring for frozen semen timing. 

I made it home in time to visit my old roommate at her puppy birthday party. I had a great week and enjoyed being home for a bit.

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