Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The last few weeks at Oakridge Equine!

Boy has it been busy here at Oakridge the last few weeks! The after hours emergencies have just been piling up! Mostly they have been colics, but almost all of them have been slightly different reasons. A couple got to go home the next day, perking up after some fluids and electrolytes. A good amount needed to spend a few days with us while we ran fluids and lunged them to get extra gas out, but then there were quite a few that we had to take to surgery. One of the cases was a repeat colic that had just left a few weeks ago and this time her surgery resulted in removing a large part of her intestinal tract. she recovered well though and will hopefully be able to go home next week.

Another one that went to surgery was a foal, and he ended up having an ascarid impaction. his entire small intestine was impacted and while we removed about 100 worms, we only got about half out. His prognosis isn't as great as we would like but he is doing okay at the moment with lots of therapy and keeping a close eye on him.

The rest of the colic surgeries were either torsions or impactions and two exploratories that didn't lead to any findings. One of those horses has been off feed and not doing well for some time now but we just can not figure out what is wrong with him. It has been quite the difficult case as nothing seems to help him out or stop him from refluxing. That horse stole a lot of our hearts so we have been doing everything we can to get him healthy again! He is such a sweetheart.

Some other neat things we saw were some lacerations. We had one that went into the tendon sheath and had to go to surgery, one that degloved the top half of the limb, and a few others that just needed some stitches.

We also put a couple SPL lines in for giving eye meds and put chest tubes in a horse with pretty bad pneumonia.

As my time at Oakridge comes to an end I am sad to say goodbye to all the friends I have made here. This hospital has some of the nicest people you could ask to work with. It has been a pleasure to learn from both groups of interns and the surgeons and the technicians. I learned a little from everyone and I am so grateful to them for taking their time to teach me. I hope to see them all again soon!

This is it for posts from me! Thanks for following me on my adventure!

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