Sunday, May 31, 2015

Week 2/3 Goes to the Dogs

Week two with Equine Athletes went by in a blur.  We saw a little bit of everything at the horse show, from colics and lameness, to respiratory issues and ear problems.  And although horses are great, this weeks post goes to the dogs.

As you can imagine working with horses everyday is great job to have, but having some smaller companions to travel with helps keep everyone happy and sane!

Here are some adorably cute photos of Henna and Perrin.

This cutie is Dr. O'Cull's pup, Henna.  She travels just about everywhere with us. You can see we really overwork her!

This is Perrin, Dr. Hill's brand new addition! He's about 12 weeks old now and this was his first truck ride.

Horses and dogs just seem to go together and at the horse show there were plenty of both, including a big droopy great dane puppy and lots of corgi puppies! People always wonder why I love horse shows so much and this is probably why! :)

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